


Lithuanian Science Prizes 2020 Awarded

04 02 2021

On 4 February, the Commission for Lithuanian Sciences Prizes announced the winners of 2020.
In the fields of the humanities and social sciences, the prize went to Dalia Satkauskytė (Institute of Lithuanian Literature and Folklore) for the cycle of works ‘Literature and Society. Sociocritical Studies’.
Two prizes were awarded in the field of physical sciences: to Gediminas Niaura and Albertas Malinauskas (Centre for Physical Sciences and Technology) for the cycle of works ‘Research into the Molecular Structure and Functionality of Materials by Vibrational Spectroscopy Methods’, and to Aldona Beganskienė and Aivaras Kareiva (Vilnius University) for the cycle of works ‘Development and Application of Multifunctional Materials in Modern Technologies’.
Two prizes in the field of biomedical and agricultural sciences went to Regina Gražulevičienė and Audrius Dėdelė (Vytautas Magnus University) for the cycle of their works ‘Impact of psychosocial and epigenetic factors of urban environment on human health from infancy to maturity’, and to Jurga Bernatonienė (Lithuanian University of Health Sciences) for her work ‘Innovative Pharmaceutical Products: A Search for Active Compounds, Technological Functionalisation, and Practical Application’.
In the field of technological sciences, the Lithuanian Science Prize was awarded to a group of researchers from the Centre for Physical Sciences and Technology, Gediminas Račiukaitis, Mindaugas Gedvilas, and Paulius Gečys for the cycle of works ‘Interaction of Ultrashort Laser Pulses with Material and its Application in Laser Micromachining’.
Six prizes, with the prize money of €31,200 each, were awarded this year.

Information of the Commission for Lithuanian Science Prizes
Translation: Diana Barnard