


State-of-the-Art Lecture by the Famous German Molecular Biologist Prof.Andre Franke at the 15th Young Scientists’ Conference ‘Biofuture: Perspectives of the Natural and Life Sciences’

29 11 2022

The 15th conference of young Lithuanian life scientists ‘Biofuture: Perspectives of the Natural and Life Sciences’ was held on 24 November 2022. It was organized by the Division of Biological, Medical and Geosciences of the Lithuanian Academy of Sciences. In his opening address, Prof. Jūras Banys, President of the Lithuanian Academy of Sciences, said that the achievements of the life sciences are currently experiencing a huge rise in the world and wished young scientists to contribute to the progress.  Prof. Limas Kupčinskas, chair of the conference organising committee, noted that in order to motivate young researchers to actively engage in scientific activities, internationally recognized scientists are invited to give plenary state-of-the-art lectures at the ’Biofuture’ conferences every year. 


 Prof. Arvydas Lubys, Director of Termo Fisher Scientific, greets the conference participants

This year, a guest from Germany, Prof. Andre Franke, director of the Institute of Clinical and Molecular Biology of the University of Kiel, delivered the state-of-the-art lecture ‘Personalized medicine and inflammatory bowel diseases – where are we?’ The professor reviewed the achievements of molecular biology and translational medicine in the individualised treatment of severe inflammatory bowel diseases, ulcerative colitis and Crohn’s disease.


 Prof. Andre Franke delivers his plenary lecture

He mentioned the close collaboration of his institute with Lithuanian scientists. In the plenary session, academician Arvydas Janulaitis introduced the ‘Future Medicine Fund’ he had founded to support Lithuanian scientists and urged the young scientists to prepare research projects related to personalised medicine and apply for funding to this fund.

Thirty-one oral presentations were given by young researchers from Vilnius University, the Lithuanian University of Health Sciences, the Nature Research Centre, Kaunas University of Technology, and the National Cancer Institute at the conference.


The authors of the best presentations were awarded with valuable gifts provided by the Lithuanian Academy of Sciences and the sponsors of the event.

The abstracts of the papers presented at the conference have been released as an electronic publication, which can be found here.

Prof.  Limas Kupčinskas, Chair of the Division of Biological, Medical, and Geosciences of the Lithuanian Academy of Sciences.
Photographed by Virginija Valuckienė