
Conference for the International Day of Immunology

02 05 2024

To celebrate the International Day of Immunology, on April 29th, 2024 the Lithuanian Society for Immunology (LSI) and the Allergology Commission of the Lithuanian Academy of Sciences (LAS) organized the conference "Life with allergy: from childhood to old age". The Day of Immunology takes place every year on April 29. The themes for this Day are proposed by the International Union of Immunological Societies (IUIS). Day of Immunology 2024 theme is “Immunity Through the Ages: Navigating the Science of Aging and Immunology“. In line with this theme, issues of immunology and allergology related to aging were discussed at the conference. The conference was opened by LSI President Acad. Aurelija Žvirblienė and the Chair of the LAS Allergology Commission Acad. Rūta Dubakienė. Acad. A. Žvirblienė told about changes in the immune system from infancy to old age and cellular mechanisms of immunosenescence that cause a higher risk of infectious and autoimmune diseases in older age and a weaker response to vaccines. Acad. R. Dubakienė explained the nature of allergic diseases and provided recommendations for specific immunotherapy for patients of different ages. Member of LSI Board


 Dr. Asta Miškinienė and  acad. A. Žvirblienė

Dr. Asta Miškinienė presented a comprehensive overview of allergens, families of these molecules, their similarities and differences. LSI member Gabija Biliūtė presented a study that analyzed the sensitization pattern to various allergens in Lithuania. This study revealed significant differences in allergic sensitization profiles between children and adults.

The conference was followed by an informal discussion.

Photos from the event can be found here

Professor Aurelija Žvirblienė