
Bilateral Scientific Partnership Agreement Signed with the Academy of Sciences of Moldova

17 06 2024

On 12 June 2024, a celebration of the 63rd anniversary of the Academy of Sciences of Moldova was held in Chisinau. Prof. Jūras Banys, the president of the Lithuanian Academy of Sciences, and Prof. Zenonas Dabkevičius, the vice-president, attended this event to sign a bilateral scientific partnership agreement with the Academy of Sciences of Moldova. H.E. Tadas Valionis, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Republic of Lithuania to Moldova, also took part in the event and delivered a congratulatory speech.

 Prof. Ion Tighineanu, the president of the Academy of Sciences of Moldova, opened the event with an overview of the history and current activities of the Moldovan academy. He also spoke of the history of scientific cooperation with Lithuanian researchers and of the achievements of Lithuania’s integration in the European Union.

Prof. Ioan-Aurel Pop, the president of the Romanian Academy and an honorary member of the Academy of Sciences of Moldova, welcomed the audience virtually with a speech, as did Randy Schekman, a Nobel Laureate in Medicine, an honorary member of the Moldovan academy, Professor at the University of Berkeley (USA), who, along his virtual greetings, remembered his visit to Moldova. Vladimir Bolea, the minister of agriculture and food industry of Moldova, also welcomed the participants in the event.

Left to right, Tadas Valionis, the Lithuanian ambassador to Moldova, Jūras Banys and Ion Tighineanu, presidents of the academies of sciences, and Vladimir Bolea, the minister of agriculture and food industry of Moldova

The signing of a bilateral scientific Partnership Agreement between the Lithuanian Academy of Sciences and the Academy of Sciences of Moldova was an important moment of the event. It was signed by presidents Jūras Banys and Ion Tighineanu. This agreement will give impetus to closer cooperation between the Lithuanian and Moldovan academies. On the occasion of the signing of the agreement, H.E. Tadas Valionis gave an overview of Lithuanian–Moldovan cooperation and highlighted the historic opportunity for the Republic of Moldova to become a full member of the European Union. Prof. Tighineanu expressed the hope that 12 June 2024 would be the date that would mark the start of important joint bilateral cooperation initiatives.

After the signing of the agreement, the first samples of new materials will go to Lithuanian laboratories

Prof. Jūras Banys introduced the work of the Lithuanian Academy of Sciences: he talked about the activities of the Academy and its scientific divisions and paid special attention to the Academy’s achievements and activities of the recent year. Prof. Banys welcomed the opportunity to visit and gain a closer acquaintance with the Academy of Sciences of Moldova. He wished the Academy every success in its endeavours.

President Jūras Banys is introducing the activities of the Lithuanian Academy of Sciences

The event was crowned with an award ceremony. An exhibition of photography, art, and researchers’ achievements was opened at the Gallery of Science, Innovation, and Art in the Golden Hall of the Academy of Sciences of Moldova.

Left to right, Prof. Jūras Banys, the president of the Lithuanian Academy of Sciences, Robert Williams, an information expert, Prof. Ion Tighineanu, the president of the Academy of Sciences of Moldova, and Prof. Zenonas Dabkevičius, the vice-president of the Lithuanian Academy of Sciences, in the Ceremony Hall of the Academy of Sciences of Moldova.

At the building of the Academy of Sciences of Moldova
(built in 1961).

The event was rounded off with musicians performing Moldovan and Lithuanian music.

The recording of the event, which was held in Romanian and English, can be viewed here:

Violeta Skirgailienė, Chief Specialist for International Relations
Photography Zenonas Dabkevičius

Translated by Diana Barnard