

Presentation of Lithuanian Quantum Technology Guidelines at the Lithuanian Academy of Sciences

03 03 2025

On 28 February, Lithuanian Quantum Technology Guidelines were presented at the Lithuanian Academy of Sciences. The event was organised by the Lithuanian Quantum Technology Association (QUANTUM Lithuania), the Research Council of Lithuania, and the Young Academy of the Lithuanian Academy of Sciences (LMAJA). Together with the quantum technology initiative group, the Lithuanian Quantum Technology Association prepared and publicised Lithuanian Quantum Technology Guidelines, a document that discusses the state of quantum technology development worldwide and in Lithuania and provides recommendations for breakthrough developments. Various academic, business, and public sector organisations, which actively contributed to the preparation of the guidelines, also included the Lithuanian Academy of Sciences, which was represented by Prof. Dr Darius Abramavičius, a full member of the Academy, as well as Prof. Dr Mantas Šimėnas and Assoc. Prof. Dr Julius Vengelis, members of the Young Academy.

Prof. Dr Mantas Šimėnas.

Following the opening address by Prof. Dr Gintaras Valinčius, chair of the Research Council of Lithuania, several invited international guests gave presentations on the perspectives of quantum technologies in the European Union and the situation in other countries: Pascal Maillot, acting head of the Quantum Technologies unit at DG CNECT, European Commission (remotely), Prof. Dr Jukka Pekola, director of InstituteQ (remotely), Raimundas Tuminauskas, head of Network and Service Infrastructure Department at the Poznań Supercomputing and Networking Center (PSNC, Poland), Robby Toole, who represented QuantumBasel, a commercial quantum technology and AI competence centre, and Maricela Muñoz, director of external affairs at GESDA. Concluding the event, Prof. Dr Mantas Šimėnas presented the Lithuanian Quantum Technology Guidelines, while Paulius Petrauskas, an advisor to the Minister of Economy and Innovation, delivered the final remarks. During the post-event discussions, the necessity of working out a quantum technology development strategy for Lithuania, aiming to unite the representatives of the academic community, the public sector, and the private sector towards a common goal, was emphasised.

Lithuanian Quantum Technologies Agenda

Dr Julius Vengelis, Vice chairperson of LAS Young Academy
Photo Dr Domas Jokubauskis