

Alumnus of the Young Academy of the Lithuanian Academy of Sciences Publishes Multiphoton 3D Lithography Guide in ‘Nature Reviews Methods Primers'

21 03 2025

The Laser Nanophotonics Group (Laser Research Center, Faculty of Physics,Vilnius University), led by Prof. Mangirdas Malinauskas, an alumnus of the Young Academy of the Lithuanian Academy of Sciences, has published an educational article on the theoretical and practical fundamentals of laser-based 3D multiphoton lithography and applied methodologies. This guide has been published in the prestigious journal Nature Reviews Methods Primers (IF=50.1) in collaboration with Prof. Shoji Maruo (Yokohama University), the pioneer of two-photon polymerisation, the esteemed Prof. Georg von Freyman (Kaiserslautern University), and the remarkable Prof. Julia Greer (California Institute of Technology). The authors also include Dr Edvinas Skliutas (Faculty of Physics, alumnus of the Young Academy) and Dr Greta Merkininkaitė (Faculty of Chemistry and Geosciences, Vilnius University). The combined expertise of all authors in the field exceeds 100 years.

This introductory review covers best experimental practices, widely used analysis methods, relevant applications, and future trends. Such a publication provides all the necessary information for evaluating, adapting, and implementing the most advanced laser 3D printing method in a laboratory environment. This is expected to further accelerate the development of this technology in scientific laboratories and its adoption in high-tech industries.

Currently, multiphoton 3D polymerisation is used by several Lithuanian companies, including Femtika, Workshop of Photonics, Vital 3D, and Elas. The equipment for this process is assembled using components from such manufacturers as Light Conversion, Ekspla, Optogama, Standa, Altechna, and others.

Students at the bachelor’s, master’s, and doctoral levels at the Faculty of Physics at Vilnius University can attend lectures and conduct practical work on this topic in the laboratory.

Multiphoton 3D Lithography: Nat Rev Methods Primers 5, 15 (2025)

Visual Summary of the Guide:
Multiphoton 3D Lithography | Nature Reviews Methods Primers

Freely available online document:

Dr Julius Vengelis, Vice Chair of the Young Academy of the Lithuanian Academy of Sciences  
Prof. Mangirdas Malinauskas, alumnus of the Young Academy