


Forum of Young Academies of the Baltic Countries

26 04 2019

TIME: 11 a.m., 3 May 2019
VENUE: Lithuanian Academy of Sciences

For the first time, a meeting of organizations of the Baltic countries representing young scientists will be held on 3 May 2019, at the Lithuanian Academy of Sciences. Participants include members of the Young Academy of the Lithuanian Academy of Sciences, representatives of the Young Academy of the Estonian Academy of Sciences, and of the Association of Latvian Young Scientists. The forum of Young Academies will take place concurrently with the 16th Conference of Intellectual Cooperation ‘Genes: From the Past to the Future’ organized at the Lithuanian Academy of Sciences.

The meeting will discuss the activities and opportunities of the research policy, science popularization, and international cooperation. For the recently created Young Academy of the Lithuanian Academy of Sciences, this meeting will provide not only a possibility of getting acquainted with the experience of Estonian and Latvian colleagues, but also of discussing the work carried out by the Young Academy of the Lithuanian Academy of Sciences. It is expected that this meeting will allow the organizations of young scientists of the Baltic countries to share valuable insights, to strengthen their relations, and to form a firm basis for the coordination of young scientists’ joint actions across the Baltic countries.