


Close Cooperation Between Latvian and Lithuanian Scientists

17 01 2020

On 16 January, a delegation of Latvian research community led by Prof. Ojārs Spārītis, President of the Latvian Academy of Sciences, visited the Lithuanian Academy of Sciences. The delegation was received by Prof. Jūras Banys, President of the Lithuanian Academy of Sciences, Prof. Zenonas Dabkevičius, Vice-president of the Academy, Prof. Domas Kaunas, chair of the Division of the Humanities and Social Sciences, and members of the Young Academy of the Lithuanian Academy of Sciences. 

The meeting opened with a discussion on the cooperation of the two academies in 2020 and on the issues of education policy. Much attention was given to the conference ‘Innovation – Power of the 21st century’ to be held in Riga on 24 February. The conference is organized by the Latvian authorities and institutions of research and higher education.  Its key objective is to present the latest scientific innovations to the public, to promote research cooperation, and to assist the scientists in exploiting the possibilities opened by mobility, innovation, and technologies. Representatives of the European Commission, European regional committees, and European academies of sciences, universities, and relevant ministries have been invited to this conference.

Left to right, Prof. Domas Kaunas, head of the Division of Humanities and Social Sciences of the Lithuanian Academy of Sciences, Prof. Ojārs Spārītis, President of the Latvian Academy of Sciences, Prof. Jūras Banys, President of the Lithuanian Academy of Sciences, Gunta Raca and Julia Stare, members of the Latvian delegation, and Prof. Zenonas Dabkevičius, Vice-president of the Lithuanian Academy of Sciences

One of the aims of the meeting of the two delegations was to gain information about the activities of the Young Academy of the Lithuanian Academy of Sciences. This discussion was attended by Dr Mindaugas Gedvilas, chair of the Young Academy, Dr Diana Marčiulynienė, its scientific secretary, and Dr Edvinas Orentas. Establishment of the Young Academy of the Latvian Academy of Sciences, cooperation possibilities, and the importance of the promotion of research policy and its international nature were among the issues discussed.


In the centre, Prof.  Ojārs Spārītis, President of the Latvian Academy of Sciences, with young Latvian and Lithuanian researchers. Left to right, Dr Mindaugas Gedvilas, chair of the Young Academy of the Lithuanian Academy of Sciences, Julia Stare and Gunta Raca of the Latvian delegation, Dr Diana Marčiulynienė, scientific secretary of the Lithuanian Young Academy, and its member Dr Edvinas Orentas

Written by
Vita Žilinskaitė, senior assistant to the President of the Lithuanian Academy of Sciences,
Dr Diana Marčiulynienė, scientific secretary of the Young Academy of the Lithuanian Academy of Sciences
Photo Virginija Valuckienė