

Prizes and Scholarships

General information

To honour the memory and the work of outstanding Lithuanian scientists, scholars, and public figures, the Lithuanian Academy of Sciences has established a number of commemorative prizes. The prizes are named after the prominent scientists, the majority of whom were members of the Academy, and are awarded every four years each (on the average) in the branches of science and scholarship of their own achievements: Kazimieras Baršauskas (Electronics, electromechanics), Povilas Brazdžiūnas (Experimental physics), Kazimieras Būga (Linguistics), Juozas Dalinkevičius (Geosciences), Simonas Daukantas (History),  Tadas Ivanauskas (Nature Protection), Adolfas Jucys (Theoretical Physics), Justinas Marcinkevičius (Literature), Vincas Krėvė-Mickevičius (Literature), Jonas Kriščiūnas (Agricultural Sciences), Jonas Kubilius (Mathematics), Vladas Lašas (Medicine), Povilas Matulionis (Forestry), Juozas Matulis (Chemistry), Albinas Rimka (Economics), Kazimieras Simonavičius (Mechanics), Pranciškus Šivickis (Biology), Algirdas Žukauskas (Heat Engineering). 

The academy awards ten annual prizes to young scientists and doctoral students and fifteen prizes to the students in higher education for the best research work of the year, fifteen young researchers are awarded the Young Scientist Scholarship every year.

The Division of the Humanities and Social Sciences established the Kazimieras Meškauskas Prize awarded to young scientists in the field of economics. The Division of Agricultural and Forestry Sciences, Institute of Agriculture of the Lithuanian Research Centre for Agriculture and Forestry, and Vytautas Vazalinskas Foundation established the Vytautas Vazalinskas Prize for fundamental and applied research in soil, agriculture, and agricultural chemistry.

The scientists of the Baltic and other foreign countries who have achieved significant scientific results and made a notable contribution to the cooperation between the scientists of the Baltic region are awarded the Medal of the Baltic academies of sciences established jointly by the Lithuanian, Latvian and Estonian academies.

The Lithuanian Academy of Sciences, together with the Grotthuss Foundation (Teodoro Grotuso fondas), established the Theodor von Grotthuss Prize,as well as a scholarship, awarded to a young researcher in the field of chemistry.

In 2001, the Medal of the Lithuanian Academy of Sciences was instituted on the occasion of the Academy’s 60th anniversary.

In 2007, the Letter of Acknowledgement of the Praesidium of the Academy was introduced.

In addition, the Lithuanian Academy of Sciences organizes competitions for the Lithuanian Science Prizes, the INFOBALT scholarship for young scientists, scholarships of Presidents of the Republic of Lithuania, and advises on awarding other prizes as well, e. g., the L’Oreal Baltic ‘For Women in Science’ Fellowship in Lithuania.

Competitions for Prizes and Scholarships

Competition for Commemorative prizes of the Lithuanian Academy of Sciences
Young scientists’ and doctoral students’ research competition
Competition of young scientists’ research in economics for the Kazimieras Meškauskas Prize
Competition of university students’ research
Competition for the Vytautas Vazalinskas Prize
Competition for the Young Scientist Scholarship
Competition for the World Federation of Scientists fellowship
Competition for the INFOBALT personal scholarships
Competition for scholarships of the Presidents of the Republic of Lithuania
Competition for the L‘Oréal Baltic Research Fellowship Programme ‘For Women in Science’ (unitl 2023)
Competition for the ‘Women in Science Baltic Fellowship’ (2024)
Competition for the Lithuanian Science Prizes